Tips on Going Green to Save Green

The average American house has an annual utility bill of about $2100. Whether you own your own home, or own one or several rental properties, going green can save on average 30% on that annual cost. Some simple to moderate changes made to your home can drastically reduce the amount of energy you waste, and therefore eliminating the dollars you literally and figuratively burn up or flush down the drain. Homeowners should think of these upgrades as investments instead of expenses. Indeed, most of the energy-saving measures suggested in this article offer a better rate of return than the stock market has in recent years!

Green Home Energy Savings

Not surprisingly, heating and cooling a home account for about half of the total energy consumption of a home. Water heating accounts for 14%, large appliances such as refrigerators and laundry machines use 13%, and lighting uses about 12% of the energy consumed by the typical American home. Other power consuming devices such as electronics, small appliances like microwaves and coffee makers, and ceiling fans account for the remaining energy use.

Understandably, most people would find it difficult to make all the changes suggested due to financial limitations. The next pages outlines the rates of return are listed for those looking for the biggest bang for their buck.